<aside> 🚨 This role is now closed!


Video Job Description from Murtaza here:


❤️ About Heartbeat

Heartbeat is platform for building lasting communities. We've built a platform to help curriculum-centric communities bring all their resources under 1 roof, and create more engaged cohorts by default. We're working mhainly with startup accelerators & incubators now, but scaling to coding bootcamps, career accelerators, and online schools next. We're positioning Heartbeat to be the central platform for community-led learning.

Here's a quick demo of the product today: heartbeat.chat/demo

💪 About our team:

We're a happy team of 2! We move fast — we've built all of Heartbeat (web & mobile), signed on our first customers, and hit profitability in the last 3 months.

**Murtaza Bambot** is leads sales, growth, and fundraising. He's got experience fundraising (over $2m from VCs for CareerBlitz), growing products (0 to 25k users in 8 mos), and was the youngest partner ever hired for Georgia Tech's accelerator.

**Mayhul Arora** runs all things tech & product. He's built tech for startups and massive enterprises, turning down offers from Google, Amazon, and Microsoft to build better tech for communities.

🌈 The role:

To make Heartbeat successful, we're looking for a Founding Design to cement design as a core pillar within the company. Ideally, we'd like to find someone who's resourceful, moves fast, and has experience building products within a startup that users fall in love with. Prioritizing UX experience more highly here — we want someone that can focus all their energy on creating a really magical experience through our web platform & mobile apps as we scale.

✅ Requirements:

Shoot over a message at [email protected] if this sounds like a fit 🙌