<aside> 🎉 Refer communities & get paid every month.

Earn a lifetime payout of 30% commission ****on starter and growth tiers, or $50 on business tiers. Offer your audience 20% discount for 3 months to every starter and growth community you refer!


🌟 How to get started


💌 Sign up for the affiliate program

Use the link below to submit your information. We process applications 2x a week.

Once you’ve been approved, you’ll get an email from our team with your unique referral link.


🌍 Share your unique link

You’ll be notified whenever someone creates a community using your link & when they make their first payment.

đź’°Collect your payment!

Once a month, you’ll receive your full commission via PayPal.

🤑 Commission details


commissions on starter & growth

Receive lifetime payout of 30% of the subscription revenue on starter and growth communities you refer


commission on business tiers

Receive a lifetime payout of $50 from subscription revenue on business tiers you refer

20% off

discount through your link

Everyone using your link get 20% off their first 3 months on Heartbeat (won’t affect your payout amount)

60 days

to get credit for a sale

Cookies are active for 60 days — meaning you’ll still receive credit for a referral up to 2 months after someone clicks on your link

🤔 How it works

🗓 Monthly Payouts

You’ll get a payout every month based on the total subscription revenue from communities you’ve referred to Heartbeat.

Payouts are processed once a month (on the first Thursday of each month) through Rewardful & deposited into your PayPal account.

⚡️ Real-Time Updates

We want to keep you in the loop on where your referrals are in the process.

You’ll get real-time updates as...