Step 1: Add your A record

Step 2: Confirm your A record

Step 3: Confirm your new domain

Step 1: Add your A record

Create an A record pointing from your domain to

Your hosting provider should have documentation telling you how to do this. You can google “<your hosting provider> add A record” to try finding this documentation.

Step 2: Confirm your A record

After setting up your A Record, confirm that it exists here:

If you’re able to confirm that the A record exists, you can move on to the next step.

If no records are found and you’re unable to confirm that your A record exists, we suggest reaching out to your hosting platform to troubleshoot further.

If you have multiple IPs associated with the A record, then you’ll need to delete the non-Heartbeat one before moving forward.

Step 3: Confirm your new domain

Go to the General Settings page in Heartbeat, fill out the Custom Domain section & save your changes.

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Once your custom domain is "Pending," you'll receive an email within ~10 minutes notifying you that your custom domain is live.